Our Approach
The General Meeting (GM) is the highest decision making body in the coalition and is responsible for adopting policy campaigns, accepting new members and approving annual budgets. The GM constitutes all FWG members and meets at least three (3) times a year.
The Management Committee (MC) implements the decisions of the General Meeting (GM) and reports to members at General Meetings. The MC is mandated to meet at least quarterly. Focal persons lead FWG advocacy campaigns. The secretariat is hosted by a member organisation which is responsible for the day to day administration of the coalition’s business.
Forest Watch Ghana is currently hosted by Civic Response, a natural resources and environment (NRE) policy advocacy organisation based in Accra, Ghana.


- No. 9 Hibiscus Road, East Legon
P.O. Box LG 1086, Legon,
Accra – Ghana - Tel.: +233 302 521 905
- info@forestwatchghana.org